Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cute lowerBack tattoo

cute lower back tattoo

Cute lower back tattoo
is perfect for a girly girl who wants something simple and feminine

The Sexiest Female Tattoo Designs-Places to Have Them

If you're looking for the sexiest female tattoo designs and locations, then you've come to the right place. Specifically, we're going to talk about ankle tattoos, wrist tattoos, and "bra strap" tattoos. By the time you've finished reading this article, you're going to know all about the sexiest tattoo locations.

Let's start by talking about why ankle tattoos can be sexy. The perfect thing about these tattoos is that they go great with the right shoes. It's also a sexy place to have a tattoo without being too risque. The only drawback if this is going to be your first tattoo, is that having a tattoo on your ankle can be a little more painful than other places. If you're not quite sure how easy or hard you will find having a tattoo, then this may not be the best place for you.

Another sexy place to have a tattoo is on your wrist. This goes well with jewellery and bracelets. You can have many creative and beautiful designs which wrap around your wrist. The only drawback is that is can be difficult to hide a tattoo in this location. It can hurt your chances if you're going to an interview and they "stereotype" you based on your tattoo. The good side of a wrist tattoo is that you'll get to see it often, and so will other people.

Finally, let's talk about the bra strap tattoo. This can be a very intimate location for a tattoo, and it makes a nice surprise for your lover. Alternatively, if you were some more revealing clothing, it's easy to let your tattoo show - especially if you were a strapless bra. It can also be hidden very easily if you ever need to.

In conclusion, this article has shown you some of the sexiest tattoo design locations for a women. We talked about ankle tattoos, wrist tattoos, and the bra strap tattoo. Now that you've finished reading this article, you know about three of the most sexy places to have a tattoo!

Libra Tattoo Design

Thursday, July 15, 2010

phoenix bird tattoo design

Free Phoenix Tattoo Design pictures
the phoenix incorporates notions of life, rebirth and renewal. This is a great symbol for 'starting again' or 'washing away the old.' If you are contemplating a phoenix bird tattoo you need to take these values into account.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tattoo Sleeve - Gotta Get Them All | TATTOO DESIGN

Tattoo SleeveTattoo Sleeve - Gotta Get Them All | TATTOO DESIGN
I’m so getting one of these when the gym pays off… “Americans have always had a unique style of their own which is apparent in today’s tattoos. Sleeves incorporates old ideas and uses new techniques with their tattoo clothing to bring you bold, vibrant designs in this form of full color body art”.

Sleeve Tattoo Designs - Dragon, Tribal, Celtic, and Japanese Tattoos on Your Arms

 Dragon tattoo, Tribal tattoo, Celtic tattoo, Japanese tattooSleeve tattoos have become extremely popular in the past few years because they are an amazing way to tell a story or create a living work or art and expression. With different pictures working together, a person can evoke many feelings at once.

Dragon Tattoos

Dragons are a symbol of wild fire and excitement. A dragon interwoven into a sleeve tattoo can add red color and flare. Fire breathing from the dragon, circling the arm can really add an amazing effect to any tattoo.

Tribal Tattoos

These symbols with many meanings can be placed at the shoulder and chest area to create a design worthy of the style. You can create a picture just with this type of tattoo in plain black ink. If you use color on your arm and keep the tribal tattoo black you can create amazing contrast.

Celtic Tattoos

Adding Celtic Symbols to a sleeve tattoo adds a splash of culture to any piece of work. Their are a variety of different symbols you can use to convey the meaning you want.

Japanese Tattoos

Japanese symbols are a beautiful way to say many things at once. A single symbol can convey the meaning of peace on earth or love for all. This is a good way to keep things simple for the eye but leave the mind thinking about what it saw.

Creating this type of work of art takes time and effort. Many people build a sleeve tattoo over many years adding extra designs and symbols as they think of them.

for this reason, you need to make sure everything is exactly as you picture it in your mind. A single design done in a way you do not like can ruin the entire thing and leave you in regret.

Tattoo Sleeves | TATTOO DESIGN

We’ll admit it — We’re cowards. We’d love to get a cool tattoo, but we know it’ll hurt like hell. You can often see us loitering in front of Tattoo Parlours, trying to drum up enough courage to go in. But we never will… we’re just too chicken.And that’s why we’re so thrilled to discover tattoo Sleeves.

These undetectable roll-on arm sleeves look like the real thing, choose between these designs:
Tattoo Sleeves, tattoo designTattoo Sleeves | TATTOO DESIGN
Made from 100% Stretchable and washable Nylon, one size fits all and comes in a set of 2 so you can wear one or both of them.

It’s a nice try before you buy the real thing, that’s if you’re not still to chicken to do so.

Hottest Celebrities and Their Tattoos | TATTOO DESIGN

angelina jolie tattoo
angelina jolie tattooangelina jolie tattoo | TATTOO DESIGN
Let’s face it: If you didn’t like the fact that Megan Fox has tattoos and likes to show them off, then you just don’t like women, period. There’s nothing sexier than a woman with an original tattoo. And yes, with emphasis on “original”. There’s nothing I hate more in this world than a woman with one of those indecipherable “tribal” tattoos on their lower back, near the butt crack. It’s just so bloody generic and totally devoid of creativity, don’t you think? Anyways, the guys over at Vanishing Tattoo has a list of the 101 Hottest Women with Tattoos.Topping the list is Angelina Jolie and her myriad stacks of tattoo. Check out the rest of the list here. (By the way: The best job on a movie set? Covering up Angelina Jolie’s tattoos. It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta blah blah blah.)